Top 4 Harsh Realities Of Living #Vanlife


Before taking on this lifestyle it’s best be as prepared as possible for what’s to come. Not just the good, like all the perfect Instagram photos of dreamy van life locations and scenery. But also the harsh reality of what it really looks like to live on the road full time.

Here are my Top 4 Harsh Realities of Living #Vanlife to help you deciding if it's right for you.

#1 - Figuring out where you will sleep each night and feel safe


The reality is when you are constantly on the move it can eventually become draining. So you will find it's nice when you get an opportunity to park in a friend or family member's driveway for a few days-weeks to take a break from the road. Van life is great but when you're constantly on the road you will 100% face sleeping in Walmart parking lots, truck stops, pulling off on the side of the road and hoping a cop doesn't ticket you, etc. The best resource we've used when locating free parking is through an app called iOverlander. There aren't always places to stay in every area so be sure to plan out where you will be staying before setting off to your next location.


#2 - Where to shower and go to the bathroom

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 If you live van life, be prepared to shower way less than you currently do and go to the bathroom out in nature. However this one depends on what amenities you have in your van. If you don't have a full functioning bathroom, be prepared to constantly be on the look out for the next place you can do your business and feel comfortable and clean. TMI, Sunny and I only go #1 in our portable toilet so it's a daily thing having to worry about finding a place outside to go #2 or if we're near a city, find a public restroom. We do have a nice little shower in our van however we still only shower 1-2 times a week max because we are limited with our water supply from our water tank.


#3 - Lack of personal space


 If you're a solo van lifer this one doesn't apply to you. Living van life with a partner is by far the quickest way to learn every habit about that person. Get ready for zero privacy and instead incorporating time each day to do something for yourself. For example, set aside time to read or journal or work on a passion project. You could go for a daily walk and listen to music or work out. When there are little breaks from constant interaction with your partner, it makes for a healthier relationship and increases tolerance of each other.


#4 - Working productively 


You may be surprised to hear this as one of my top 4 harsh realities, however it's truly one that negatively affects the amount of work I can accomplish in a week. Think about working a typical 9-5 either in an office or at a home office. You wake up and you go into your work space and can get in a solid 8-9 hour work day with an hour lunch break in the middle. That's some serious uninterrupted time to focus and crush some work.

When living van life you're typically changing locations every 2-7 days. Resulting in long driving periods during prime work days and hours. In addition to those significant periods where you're unable to work, you will unavoidably face WiFi issues here and there. We've just recently started using this app called FreeRome that can tell you where has good cell service in remote areas so that before we go there we know if we'll be able to hotspot WiFi so that we can work, as Sunny and I both work remote. 

Not deterred by these harsh realities of living van life and want to build a van similar to our layout?


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