#1 Van Life Beauty Must Have

You absolutely don't have to look bad when living van life, however there will be days when you won’t get to shower but still want to feel fresh.

There are also those who, believe it or not, don't even have showers in their vans. Even if you do have a shower, the harsh reality is you won’t be showering as often as you were pre-vanlife. The reason being, is that you have a limited water supply unless you’re at a campsite with a water hook up. Most van lifers I speak to shower just once a week. Which is why dry-shampoo is my number one van life beauty must-have!

What Is Dry Shampoo?

As its name suggests, dry shampoo is a hair product that can be applied without water. It claims to minimize oil and grease, keeping hair looking fresh. There are two types that are commonly used: dry shampoo aerosols and dry shampoo powders. The aerosol kind is pretty good but I always go for the powder because it's better for the environment.

How to Use Dry Shampoos

Whichever kind you prefer, both are pretty easy to use. You simply spray or apply the product to your scalp. With the aerosol kind, it'll be like using hair spray. Spray it on to your scalp, wait for it to dry, then brush through your hair like usual or rub your fingers through it to make sure it's evenly spread. You can even spray sections of your hair at a time.

With the powder kind, you can also apply it in sections, just be sure to avoid putting it directly on top of your head as you won’t be able to hide the white spots. If you make this mistake, don’t worry and grab a damp towel and rub that over the white area. 

PRO TIP: If you want to avoid having greasy-looking hair while living on the road, be sure to apply dry-shampoo BEFORE your hair has started to grease for best, long lasting results. My hair gets greasy really quick so I apply it to my hair the day after a shower. That way my hair is good for the rest of the week until my next shower!

Kinds to Use on the Road

So what kind of dry shampoo works best for van life? It's simply a matter of preference. You can go for powder or aerosols, whichever one fits your needs best. The are some that I’ve tried and loved!

Dry shampoo has seriously become a staple in the van and is an absolute MUST when living on the road full time. I simply could not live without it with this lifestyle. 


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